Mats Zuccarello's charity game raised over 2 million kroners for Right to Play

That's over $240,000 USD.

Year three of Mats Zuccarello's charity all-star game. Year three of success.

His first game, back in 2014, raised $190,000 USD. His second, which marked the first time Zuccarello played following a severe head injury in the playoffs in 2015, raised $170,000.

But his third game this year appears to have raised the bar. The game was able to raise a little over two million Norwegian kroners - or somewhere around the neighborhood of $241,300 USD, which is quite the jump from past years.

Right to Play is a charity focused on using the power of sport to help less fortunate areas. We saw Zuccarello in action with it when he went to Tanzania last summer, even, helping teach kids hockey - so his charity game growing to benefit this cause is awesome.

Also, we got to see three legends eating dinner together out of it.

That's awesome.