According To Reports, Ryane Clowe Suffered Three Concussions This Season

Rangers winger Ryane Clowe reportedly suffered three concussions this season.

According to Larry Brooks, New York Rangers UFA Ryane Clowe sustained three concussions this year. One with the San Jose Sharks, one with the Rangers in the regular season and then one in the playoffs.

From his story:

The cost of re-upping Clowe, the 30-year-old winger who is believed to have sustained a pair of concussions in a matter of 16 days bridging the season and the playoffs (and is suspected to have suffered an earlier concussion while with San Jose before coming to the Blueshirts prior to the deadline), will be more than the dollars on the contract.

I don't think anyone is shocked that Clowe was concussed after taking an elbow to the head in the regular season (if you watched the way he skated off the ice, it was pretty evident). But the concussion in the playoffs surprised me a little. It wasn't an overly malicious hit, and while Clowe's head did hit the boards I thought the injury was more to his wrist than anything else.

The first concussion (with San Jose) throws this whole season into a loop for Clowe, who the Rangers acquired right before the trade deadline.

It's believed Glen Sather would like to bring Clowe back, but for the right price. If Brooks is correct, then Clowe's value on the open market is most likely plummeting with teams who have concerns over hiring injured goods. That's not to say Clowe can't make a full recovery, but how much of a long-term investment would you be willing to make on a guy who just suffered (reportedly) three concussions in one season?

We'll have more as it becomes available, but for now: Thoughts?