Jonny Brodzinski Recalled from Hartford

Last week we saw Drury and the Rangers make several savvy cap related moves to fit Kane in under the cap. Unfortunately, luck was not on the Blueshirts side as injury and suspensions created a situation where the team was forced to play several games shorthanded. After the NHL denied the Rangers’ request for an emergency call up, this small break for the team couldn’t have come soon enough.

While the team is busy cooking up some chemistry and licking their wounds, enough time has finally passed to allow them an emergency call up. This morning they’ve announced Jonny Brodzinski has been recalled from the Hartford Wolf Pack.

This can be perceived as both good and bad news. The good is that the team will finally have four full offensive lines, the bad is that it’s likely Motte’s injury is more serious than initially anticipated. With the playoffs starting next month, the Rangers need all their assets in top shape. Hopefully Motte will be back in the near future and Brodzinski will only need to fill in for the next few games.