Let's put on that funny Nostradamus hat, and make some predictions

Ok, seems to be a slow news day for the Rangers, at least at the moment. I wanted to do this all along, and today seemed like a good a day as any.

I am going to post my three predictions for the Rangers this season. In the thread below, you guys can agree, disagree, and post your own three predictions for the Blueshirts in 2009-2010. At the end of the season, we'll dig this thread up and see who hit the nail on the head, and who missed the mark. For those of you that may disagree with someone's predictions, let's remember this is all in fun, and be civil about it.

And boys and girls, don't give me predictions like "Henrik Lundqvist will start in goal opening night", I want to see good solid prognosticating here. Go with your gut, and chime in below!

So here goes, Jim's look into the Ranger Crystal Ball:

1. Ryan Callahan will score 33 goals this year.

2. Matt Gilroy will win the Calder Trophy as the top rookie in the NHL.

3. Sean Avery will have the best year of his career, somewhere in the neighborhood of 55 points.

By Joe Fortunato: Well Jim had his say so I will throw my predictions here now :

1. The Rangers win the division.

2. Lundqvist has a GAA below 2.30.

3. Gaborik will score 50 goals.

Crazy? Perhaps. But I have been right before, do I need to cite the playoff predictions?