Maaarrrrrrttttyyyy Has a Temper Tantrum

The Devils lost with 0.02 seconds left in the game on a deflection by Jussi Jokinen. Aside from the fact that gaining satisfaction from a Devil's loss is embedded in every Ranger fan's DNA, Maaaaaarrrrrtttyyy absolutely flips out once the booth review confirms it's a good goal. Brodeur did have contact from Jokinen before the shot, on the other side of the crease. It was a slight bump, but it was over and done with before the game winner happened. It was a good non-call.

Maaaaarrrrrtttyy has a habit for embellishing contact in front of the net and will always make a scene with the referees when it goes uncalled. On an earlier 'Canes goal, Brodeur was bumped into by his own defensmen along with a 'Canes player crashing the net. The contact was initiated by his own defensemen and once again, Brodeur flops onto the ice and a goal is scored.

Listening to Chico applaud Brodeur for slamming his stick was hysterical and all the proof needed to show how much of a homer he is. Brodeur didn't begin to complain until after it was ruled a good goal. It was nothing more than a temper tantrum and a poor display by such a classy hockey player.

Here is the video of the goal, and Marty throwing a fit after the review
