My Plan For The New York Rangers Off-Season

Hey folks, apologies for the lack of posting lately. I am aware this is my first article since my "goodbye 2011-2012 season" post, so I'm going to make it extra awesome.

Originally I was going to write this post as a focus on Zach Parise, Alexander Radulov, or some other free agent, but to be honest that isn't exactly what I'm thinking about right now. Parise is on the verge of losing the Stanley Cup, and Radulov is probably out with women or Ilya Bryzgalov or whatever he does that I don't want to know about and Gabby the Gutless Sniper would probably know more about. Instead, I'm writing about my full plan for the Rangers off-season.

First, the coaching. I love John Tortorella as the Rangers coach, so he stays. Mike Sullivan has to go, the Rangers PP has been putrid under his watch, and it does not look like it will improve any time soon.

Next, backup goalie. Martin Biron's contract is up, and many seem to want the Rangers to simply bring back Biron and call it a day. While Biron's play certainly warranted a new contract, I have my eyes on another goalie, Jonas Gustavsson. The Monster could get a job elsewhere that would give him more playing time, but I'm a big fan of the idea of getting a fellow Swede goalie to work with Henrik Lundqvist and back him up.

Brandon Prust should be re-signed, as should the restricted free agents. The Rangers can afford to pay the RFA's what they ask for, and Michael Del Zotto should be brought back despite his terrible series vs. the New Jersey Devils. Prust should be re-signed, but not if he requires any more than a two-year contract. Players like Prust should not be able to command a lot of money or years, and this has been a problem in the past for Glen Sather.

Follow me after the jump for the key to the off-season for the Rangers.

The Rangers need a scorer, AGAIN. The team is faced with a decision that many teams would love to be faced with: trade for

Rick Nash

or sign Zach Parise.

My prediction is that Zach Parise will be signed by the Minnesota Wild, but if he is not he will likely go to the Rangers. I love Parise, who is one of my favorite players despite playing for the Devils. The American winger deserves a big contract, and that's why I'm worried about the Rangers signing him. The deal would have to be similar to Brad Richards', as the Rangers can not afford to give a long term high money contract once again.

Instead, I would prefer the Rangers trade for Rick Nash, but only if the price is right. I'd be willing to trade Brandon Dubinsky, Christian Thomas, a 2nd round pick, and a defensive prospect (not Del Zotto or Tim Erixon) for Nash, but not Chris Kreider, Derek Stepan, or Ryan McDonagh.

The price has to be right for the Rangers, and if it isn't I prefer the Rangers don't bother getting any scorer and finding one at the Trade Deadline.

Oh, and if Zenon Konopka is a free agent I want him. That is all.