Some Bantering The Blueshirts Notes

Hey guys,

So I hinted at this a few weeks ago, but Mike, Beth and I have launched a Patreon for the podcast that has gone live officially as of this afternoon. The link is here. Patreon, for those of you who are unfamiliar, is a website where you can donate a monthly sum to help us put a little money in out our pocket. That’s not our main goal, though. There’s a few upgrades the three of us have been eyeing to make the podcast better; a few Skype subscriptions, new mics and a few studio upgrades.

If you enjoy the podcast or the website, and want to help us out we’d appreciate. You can donate as little as a dollar a month and as much as $30 a month (or more!). We have fun payout rewards for some of the higher levels (have you ever wanted a podcast done about anything you wanted????), and we want to have the ability to make the podcast better for everyone.

The support of both the show and the site has never been higher; we’ve been getting a ton of positive feedback and the criticisms we have gotten have been mostly about the things we’re targeting to fix.

Honestly, we were a little uncomfortable to open this Patreon up, since we don’t like asking you guys for money. The site is free and will always remain free. The podcast is free and will always remain free. If you have a few bucks to spare, though, we’d really appreciate the help. A ton of time and effort goes into both endeavors and we want to improve the quality and throw something our way too. If you don’t have anything or don’t want to, that’s fine too! Nothing about your experience changes or will ever change.

I’ve avoided running ads in the show (BTR had pre and post-roll automatically for those who listen on archive) which I think gives us a better listening experience but also takes money away from us, too. Donations will help keep things that way.

If you have any questions please let us know. For those who want to jump on we appreciate it more than you know!


Joe, Mike and Beth