Welcome Back To Blueshirt Banter

Welcome Back To Blueshirt Banter

Hey all,

As you might have noticed, things have been unusually quiet the past two weeks or so and we look a little different. I wanted to give you all an update but had to keep some things under wraps so a pre-emptive thank you for your patience!

As you’ve also probably noticed, we’ve re-joined many of our friends from our former network and have joined the For Hockey Fans community. We feel the strength in the way we worked together as a group was too valuable to lose, and we could not be happier to join their ranks for this upcoming season.

That said, while things look a little different (and maybe more familiar) the rules and regulations that went into effect with our swap away from SB Nation are the same over here. We’re doing the same subscription based model, just in a new home with a bit of a new look.

There has been some disruptions to the comments and the commenting system — those kinks have been worked out and I apologize for the inconvenience there. Huge shoutout to John Botte who has literally built this up from the ground level and had to pull some different and unique levers for what we decided to do when we broke off independently.

Content will continue to ramp up to normal ramming speed now that we’re out of the woods for the transition.

As always, thank you for the support you guys have given — especially with the Rangers bowing themsevles out of the playoffs pretty much right after we launched — and we can’t wait to get going for you all!