Thank You For Supporting Blueshirt Banter!

Thank you for your support of this website!

This is the earliest I've had to write one of these in a long time, which is really sad. That doesn't change the fact that all of you deserve a huge thank you for all your support, debate and involvement with this website.

I sound like a broken record here (in a good way) but the 2015-2016 season was the best in Blueshirt Banter history in every single statistical category. We won the commenting war among all SB Nation NHL sites for the third year in a row, and we've done some of the best work I've seen since my time here .

We've started a podcast -- which is probably going to move to every Wednesday rather than every Tuesday -- and the support there has been outstanding from the very beginning. Please do me a favor and subscribe to us on Itunes (just search Bantering The Blueshirts), if you haven't already, follow the site on Twitter (@blueshirtbanter) and like the site on Facebook (

I want to give a huge thank you to all the staff here for making this place go round. Especially 50 -- who doesn't get the recognition he deserves for moderating this crazy place every single day along with Wolfer. Both work in the shadows, but this site doesn't keep going without you guys.

We've brought on a couple of new people you're going to hear from more now that they've gotten their feet wet (Hockey Stat Miner actually has a story going up this afternoon, and you should be familiar with Tom thanks to his morning notes), along with everyone else on this site.

Huge props to Beth for editing every story (I'm only averaging 12 typos per article now!), and Bryan, Mike and Ryan for keeping this place humming with breaking news, game threads and recaps. You can expect some stuff this summer from Connor, Alex and Kevin, too. Speaking of Ryan, make sure to check out our YouTube page ( during the year for replays and all the gifs that don't make it to the site.

And, of course, all of you for coming back to this insanity every day, commenting, recing (not Tony's stuff, of course), meeting at games and supporting us. It's not fun without you, and we've not only built one of the biggest communities out there but also the most level-headed and smartest. People talk about how the commenting sections on the Internet are cesspools, but not here and that's because of you.

So thanks for everything. Remember: Just because the Rangers are done doesn't mean we are. This place will keep the lights on all year, doing draft previews, analysis, report cards and whatever else we can fill the days with. The podcast will also be up and running for the whole summer -- although I'm warning you now it might get silly the later it goes.

Thanks again, everyone. It's been a blast.