A Sneak Peek At The Future Of Blueshirt Banter And SB Nation
It’s with great pleasure that I unveil the first step in the next evolution of Blueshirt Banter. In the next month SB Nation will be undergoing a dramatic upgrade to our platform and our editorial process. There will be much more detail to come but for now, the new logo below is just a first taste of what is coming for Blueshirt Banter.
This is a small, but important sample of what is coming when our network undergoes its most exciting and radical transformation in the eight-year history of the company. A new visual identity here and across the network is only one step we are taking to unite our network of sites. United through individuality is the underlying theme of this project. You’ll notice that our team colors and the unique spirit of our individual community is maintained while making it clear to sports fans that each site is a part of the larger SB Nation network. We want everyone to know that they can find the same type of great writing, video and conversation that we offer here on all of our 300 plus sites. You can browse through all the new logos on a special page we put together at sbnation.com/united.
Our commitment to passionately follow our sports will never end. It’s what makes SB Nation a special place and that will only be enhanced by these new changes. In the meantime we’re setting up additions to our store so you can be sporting the latest and greatest before it even launches. Welcome to our future.
Join me after the jump.
Hey guys. It's me writing now. The above was a sample piece from SB Nation, but I'm just as excited as they are. Below is the new Blueshirt Banter logo, which should go live soon. In fact, there's going to be a slew of new changes to Blueshirt Banter as you know it. This is the first glimpse.
I'm a huge fan of the logo, and I know the team is as well. Please let us know what you think in the comments.
For me, the logo symbolizes everything that is the New York Rangers. You don't need me to give you the similarities between the Statue Of Liberty and New York. But it's innovating, crisp, proud, clean and just exciting. I love the look for the site too. We're taking major steps to move forward, and it's as though Lady Liberty is guiding us there.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it. I really do. So without any more hesitation, here is the new logo: