Blueshirts Monthly Open Thread: Happy December!

Check your inboxes for the December Issue and enjoy the remainder of your weekend!

Has it been another month already? It must be true because if you're subscribed to Blueshirts Monthly and you check your inbox today you'll find the December Issue there waiting for you. We've had a lot of fun putting this month's issue (our third issue) together and had even more fun giving Blueshirt Banter our version of how our monthly meetings go down...

If you aren't subscribed but you want to start getting Blueshirts Monthly please email with "Subscribe" in the subject line and we'll send you the first, second, and third issues and if you have any probelms with receiving the newsletter please let us know by putting "Problem" in the subject line and we'll hustle to try and fix whatever went wrong! Some people have had their emails going to their "spam" folder by default because the emails are sent out to multiple recipients and have attachments to them (so, they are suspected of being spam or worse). Make sure to check your "spam" folder if you don't find your issue waiting for you in your inbox.

We say it every month and I am sure by now you guys are getting tired of hearing it but thank you so much for all the kind words, your continued support, and for supporting our sponsors. Every person you tell about Blueshirts Monthly makes a world of difference to us. We're just two action figures and a cactus three guys doing this on our own so every little bit of help and support you guys give us makes a huge difference. Joe and I love you for your support and we know that Tony loves everybody by default so he loves you too.

I hope you all have a fantastic December filled with Rangers wins, as little snow shoveling as possible, and more hot chocolate than you can shake a stick at. Enjoy the December Issue and let us know what you think in the comments section, by tweeting at us (@BM_Newsletter), and/or by emailing us. We love to hear from you guys and we also really and truly value your opinion on how things can be better. Thank you all again and enjoy!

Let's go Rangers! (Please, win tonight. I want to see Torts furious)