Dog Day Afternoon at The Banter

So it will probably be a slow news day, and I think a little semi-off topic is in order. The Schmiedeberg family welcomed a new addition to the family Friday afternoon; we adopted a dog from the Humane Society, a new playmate for my 2 year old daughter and my 6 year old female Lab mix Abbie. He's a pointer mix, and a welcome dose of testosterone in the "House of Women" I live in. He's 15 months old, still a pup but old enough to be housetrained, at least so far.

Now, since he was turned in by another family, he already had a name.....Angel.  However, since he isn't a poodle, and is a male, I thought that was just about the worst name I'd ever heard for a dog, so after much deliberation, and a little cajoling, I convinced my wife to give him not only a great name, a proud name, a fitting name, but a name that sounds enough like his original name that it would be a pretty easy transition for him.

I present to you......"Ranger", my new pooch.

May not be the most original name for a dog, but "Lundy", "Leetchie", "Gravy" and "Dubi" were shot down.

So for today, enjoy the day, use this thread to talk about whatever you want. Have a Rangers dog or kid's pic you want to share? By all means, post it in the thread, or just go ahead and tell me how cool my new dog Ranger is.

For those of you that are looking for Ranger news and analysis, I promise if anything happens we'll have it for you, but it just seemed like a good day for a little break from the norm. I'm Zherdeved out.
