John Tortorella Fined $30,000 By NHL For Remarks After Winter Classic

The NHL announced earlier that New York Rangers head coach, John Tortorella has been fined $30,000 for his comments against the officiating Monday night. Prior to today's fine, John Tortorella apologized on multiple outlets, and even planned to apologize to Dennis LaRue, and Ian Walsh in person.

Here is a short excerpt of John Tortorella's apology, "It was wrong with my sarcasm and frustration, and I apologize to everyone involved. I want to make sure that's straight. That was not my intent and I certainly handled it the wrong way."

In case you missed it, or didn't happen to catch the press conference here are the comments in which Tortorella was fined for:

Well I'm not sure if NBC got together with the refs, or what, to turn this into an overtime game. It started with the non-call on Gabby [Marian Gaborik], Gabby's walking in and he gets pitchforked in the stomach and then everything starts going against us.

They are two good referees and I thought the game was reffed horribly. So I'm not sure what happened there, maybe they wanted to get it to an overtime. I'm not sure if they have meetings about that or what. But we stood in there. Again, they are good guys, but I just thought tonight in that third period it was disgusting.