Join Our Friends at Stanley Cup of Chowder for their Open Game Thread

Let's join Stanley Cup of Chowder and the rest of SBNation at Stanley Cup of Chowder tonight.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Sports exist to help us through tough times. There'll be a Public Skate on Chowdah at 7PM to watch games from around the league. Come visit.</p>&mdash; StanleyCup ofChowder (@cupofchowdah) <a href="">April 15, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Tonight's game between the Boston Bruins and the Ottawa Senators has been postponed due to the tragic events today in Boston but our good friends at the Stanley Cup of Chowder are going to host an open thread tonight to watch and discuss games around the league. I suggest that we join them.

Let's stop by and show them some love and help keep their minds off of today's events as much as we can, let's extend to them our friendship and come together through our love of the game and each other. There will be readers from all over SBNation joining us there tonight.

To join our friends at Stanley Cup of Chowder please CLICK HERE to join their open thread.

I also just wanted to send all of our love, thoughts, prayers, and positive energy to everyone and anyone who was impacted by today's events in Boston on behalf of Blueshirt Banter. Thank you to all of the first responders, you are the heroes that show us all what true courage and compassion is. Thank you for making our world a more beautiful place.

Note: Comments for this thread are closed. Please join the discussion at Stanley Cup of Chowder if you want to share your thoughts and talk hockey.

UPDATE: Thread Number Two is up, CLICK HERE.

UPDATE: Thread Number Three is up, CLICK HERE.

FINAL UPDATE: Thread Number Four is up, CLICK HERE.