Monday News and Notes

A couple of quick hits:

Rangers first round pick Dylan McIlrath suffered a knee injury over the weekend, doesn't seem to be any word on how serious, but he was helped off the ice.

In case you haven't heard, the New York Islanders fired head coach Scott Gordon today, and named Jack Capuano as the interim head coach. Check out Lighthouse Hockey and Mike Hume over at ESPN NY for the latest. Personally I think Gordon got a raw deal, the roster he had on a limited budget missing key players, but a ten game losing streak is difficult to survive in any sport.

Colin Campbell may be biased. Ok maybe this isn't "news" to most of us, but now there may be proof.

Oh yeah, and the Rangers are in Pittsburgh to play the Penguins tonight, don't forget to join us in the game thread.

Dubinsky was fined for his part in the brawl yesterday.

Also, Erik Christensen's comments were handled "internally" according to player and coach. I am hoping "internal" is something along the lines of what the Marines did to Private Pyle in "Full Metal Jacket"......its all just a bad dream, fat boy.

Following tonight's Ranger game, we are going to do a special Blueshirt Banter Radio postgame show to talk about tonight's game, the Avery incident, the Christensen comments, the Islanders firing of Scott Gordon, the Colin Campbell story, and whatever else we can fit into this special 90 minute show, which begins at 9:30 or the conclusion of the game, whichever comes first.