The OFFICIAL Blueshirt Banter Future Update

Hey all,

First of all I want to thank all of you for the love and support you’ve given myself, the staff, and this website over the past few weeks. It’s often true that the angrier voices in this space are the loudest, but you all really rejuvenated and reinforced just how much positivity there is in this community. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Now for why you want to be here, the updates.

1) The true future of the Banter. I am thrilled to be able to announce that we will be keeping the brand. The entirety of it. The URL, the archives, the name, the social media accounts, everything.

2) We are going to remain on SB Nation and with Vox through the end of March rather than the end of February. This will give us time to work out the kinks we’re currently working on to transition the site to our new hosting platform — Ghost — and get our new subscription model up and running.

3) The Go Fund Me was an enormous success, thank you all so much! I’ve officially closed it and we’ve started allocating the funds to the new site as needed to be ready for our 4/1 launch. Thanks to all of your generosity we’re able to keep our writers fully funded through the end of the season and beyond as we ramp up how to make this work.

4) Just as a finalized point of transparency: The site will remain free though the end of March. Once the site goes to Ghost on 4/1 it will become subscription based. We’re still in the process of seeing what those tiers are going to look like but we don’t expect it to be anything drastic. (One such plan will be much cheaper and only for those of you who want to participate in Game Threads and the like.) We understand that content here has been a little light as we work through this transition, and that there are many options for all of you for free Rangers content. I hope you all follow but we’ll get there when we have to.

Again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much!